| European Schoolnet European Schoolnet is the coordinator of the ITELab project. EUN is a network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels, Belgium. As a not-for-profit organisation, it aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners. In ITELab, EUN will lead the analysis and case studies as part of monitoring of ICT within ITE, organise the pilots with students teachers in the five universities, coordinate the development of a MOOC for student teachers, and lead on the dissemination and mainstreaming of the results. |
 | University College Dublin, Ireland University College of Dublin is Ireland's leading, research-intensive university where third-level undergraduate education, fourth-level postgraduate masters and PhD training, research, innovation and community engagement form a continuum of activity. In ITELab, UCD will be responsible for coordinating the development of new course modules for student teachers and will work closely with EUN on the formation of a University-ICT Industry Forum focused on rethinking the way of pedagogical use of ICT. |
 | University of Perugia The University of Perugia in Italy founded in 1308, with the Department of Philosophy, Social, Human and Educational Sciences, to be particularly engaged in the basic training of teachers at all levels. For more than 10 years, the university has offered a five year single cycle Degree in Primary Education for kindergarten and primary school future teachers, and Postgraduate Degree courses for secondary school teachers for different subjects, both arts and sciences, (formerly two-year Specialization school for teaching in Secondary School). There is a strong integration between teaching, workshops and internships which are carried out in schools, mostly in Umbria, accredited by USR. In ITELab, the University of Perugia is one of the five pilot universities. |
 | University of Agder University of Agder in Norway offers initial teacher education, ITE, from Pre-School level up to Upper Secondary School level, and these Programmes have 1300 students. The Primary and Lower Secondary teacher education is the largest, with 800 students. It is the Teacher Education Unit at the University that is responsible for the coordination and quality of all teacher education programmes. The Teacher Education Unit also cooperates closely in the ITElab-project with other Departments of Education and Information Systems. UIA will lead on defining competences for teacher educators. In ITELab, the University of Agder is one of the five pilot universities. They also lead the work on defining competences for teacher educators in year 2 of the project. |
 | Polytechnic Institute of Santerém (ESE-IPS) ESE is affiliated with the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (IPSantarém), Portugal. This Institute has an eLearning department and has developed and managed projects nationally and internationally. ESE offers courses on: teacher training, communication and multimedia education, fine arts, social service. ESE participates extensively in national and international teacher training programs. ESE has coordinated: in-service teacher training in several areas with the Portuguese Ministry of Education (ME); the Curriculum Reform in S. Tome and Prince; the Security Observatory of the ME; the National Evaluation of the program 'KidSmart Early Learning - Portugal' and of the Intensive Programme in digital literacies. In ITELab, the Polytechnic Institute of Santerém is one of the five pilot universities. |
 | Newcastle University Newcastle University in United Kingdom aims to establish itself as a civic university with a global reputation for academic excellence. The juxtaposition of ‘world class' and ‘civic' means that it aims to put academic excellence to work, to make a contribution to civil society. Over the past three years the contribution of Newcastel University to civic engagement has blossomed through the successful launch of three Societal Challenge Themes: Ageing, Sustainability and Social Renewal. These are global challenges, particularly relevant in the city of Newcastle, for which the university has the academic expertise to contribute towards significant and lasting solutions. In ITELab, Newcastle University is one of the five pilot universities. |
 | Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg (JMU) is a German Higher Education Institution with 10 faculties and 27,000 students. Approximately 7.000 students are enrolled in one of the various teacher education programmes. Student teachers are educated in technically well-equipped facilities and benefit from a comprehensive orientation towards the highest standards and an ambition for excellent research and teaching practice. The chair of school education and its research team is a key institution of ITE at JMU. The experts who participate in the ITELab project have many years of research experience in the field of ICT in teacher education. In ITELab, the University of Würzburg leads the evaluation of the university pilots of the ITELab modules and student MOOC. |
 | IRIS Connect IRIS Connect is a video-based professional development platform enabling the collaborative, experiential, personalised and evidence-based professional learning that has been proven by research to support teachers and improve outcomes for pupils. The power of IRIS Connect lies in a secure, cloud-based platform for reflecting on, analysing and sharing teaching and learning anytime, anywhere. Hassle free, secure integrated video technology supports the platform, facilitating the capture of synchronous lesson views and the ability to engage in live remote coaching. Customisable forms and tools enable deeper insight, contextualised feedback and the ability to share snippets of videos with individuals or groups, if chosen to. In ITELab, IRIS Connect leads the Quality Assurance work package, coordinating the work of the Pedagogical Board and independent evaluator. |
 | Microsoft in Education Microsoft in Education is working to bring the benefits of technology and technology skills to all. It shares the ultimate aim of all stakeholders, to use technology to help improve education and learning, create opportunity and raise living standards for people around the world. Microsoft believes an excellent education is a basic right and a social imperative, that technology can accelerate insight and impact and immersive learning experiences inspire improved outcomes. |
 | SMART Technologies SMART Technologies is defined by innovation and desire to improve the way the world works and learns. They are defined by their customers – the teachers, students and business people who say that SMART has helped them discover new ideas, new ways of learning and new ways of collaborating. |
 | Steelcase Education For over 100 years, Steelcase Inc. has helped create great experiences for the world's leading organizations, across industries. The company offers a comprehensive portfolio of architecture, furniture and technology products and services designed to unlock human promise and support social, economic and environmental sustainability. Steelcase is a global, industry-leading and publicly traded company with fiscal 2014 revenue of $3.0 billion and is globally accessible through a network of channels, including over 800 dealer locations. |
 | Pedagogical Board Stefania Bocconi Stefania Bocconi is researcher at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) Institute for Educational Technology (ITD). During 2012, she worked as Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) of the European Commission. She holds a PhD in Cognitive Sciences and Education from the University Ca' Foscari of Venice (IT) and a Laurea in Educational Sciences from the University of Genoa. She is also member of the S&T Foresight Group established by CNR in January 2013. Her research interests are in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and the role of ICT in improving teaching and learning practices. |
 | Patrick Camillieri Dr Patrick Camilleri, is a Senior Lecture in the Department of Leadership for Learning & Innovation, University of Malta. He lectures on Technology Enhanced Learning and Digital Pedagogies and Digital Leadership within the Faculty of Education. His interests include the construction and evaluation of socio-cognitive models that analyse individual and group perceptions regarding usefulness and usage of technology in terms of cognitive instrumental processes and social influence. I am also interested in the implementation of new technologies in organisations with special emphasis to ICT and Digitally mediated behaviours. |
 | Karianne Helland The intersection between digital learning and European cooperation in education has been the focus of my professional interest for more than 15 years in national and European education administration. My current work in the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training aims to support networking, exchange of experiences and development of good practice among teacher education institutions, and I have co-authored our recently published Framework for teachers' professional digital competence. As a Seconded National Expert in the European Commission from 2011 to 2016, I took part in the framing and implementation of the Erasmus+ programme. I am very pleased to be able to contribute to the ITELab project as associate partner and member of the Pedagogical Board |
 | Minna Koskinen An e-learning designer at School of Professional Teacher Education in JAMK University of Applied Sciences working with teacher trainers to develop ICT supported teacher education. She is a digital pedagogy enthusiast and interested in education and learning in digital society; how to create high-quality and pedagogically sound learning processes in digital environments. Currently, she is working in national projects concerning learning analytics and digital badges. |
 | Vesna Belogaska Vesna is the Head of International Development at IRIS Connect. Since the creation of this research-led company in 2007, Vesna has been involved in various roles, including working closely with educational institutions to support effective embedding of the collaborative professional learning platform and maximizing the impact on teaching and learning. Transferring that experience, coupled with her skills and experience in working with multicultural teams from both industry and academia to deliver common goals will be a key asset to the ITELab project. |
 | Aoife Carew Aoife Carew is an English and History student teacher undergoing her Professional Masters of Education in University College Dublin. She is an avid lover of the arts as she has taught drama outside of the classroom for five years in her local youth theatre. Aoife marries her love for her subjects with drama as she, on many occasions, brings drama into her classroom and uses it as a way to engage with every student before her. In conjunction with her love for active learning methodologies, she is constantly looking for new ways to become an innovative teacher through harnessing technological devices and tools. |
 | Séamus O'Sullivan Séamus O'Sullivan is in his second year of a two-year Professional Master's in Education in University College Dublin; training to be a post-primary teacher in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Classical Studies. Séamus has a B.A. and M.Phil. in Classics from Trinity College Dublin. The M.Phil. exploring the same subjects in new ways through Anthropology, Archaeology, and Philosophy; and in Digital Humanities discovering new ways technology can be used to enhance our understanding and learning of the Classical world. Séamus is currently exploring how to create active learning spaces, with the latest technologies available, while using the latest academic research to inform his teaching practice, which is on the cusp of new syllabus changes. |