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or directly the ITELab Project Manager: Dorothy Cassells, European Schoolnet:
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ITE Monitoring Reports:
| ITE Literature Review Report - 2017 |
ITE Case studies:
| Case studies 2017: University of Agder (NO), University of Perugia (IT), University of Würzburg (DE) Case studies 2019: Industry – University collaboration: IRIS Connect, Microsoft, SMART Technologies Case studies 2019 : Defining competences for Teacher Educators (Oct 2019) and Teacher Educator case studies |
Student Teacher Voice:
| |
Recommendation and resources to support innovation within ITE
| Recommendation and resources to support innovation within ITE – 2017/18 Recommendation and resources to support innovation within ITE – 2018/19 Final Recommendations and resources to support innovation within ITE - 2019 |
Course ITE Teaching Module Frameworks (A-B-C) and MOOC
| In-class teaching modules: A: Teaching, Learning & Professional Development for Beginning Teachers (EN,IT,NO,PT) B: Designing for Learning (EN,IT,NO,PT) C: Working with Learners (EN,IT,NO,PT) ITE Staff Teaching and Student Hub MOOC Requirements Report, MOOC Outline, MOOC Content Plan, MOOC Syllabus 2019 |
Briefing Papers
| Briefing 2: Innovation in ITE: emerging trends, issues and recommendations - 2018 Briefing 3: Initial Teacher Education Futures: reflections from the ITELab Pedagogical Board - 2019 |
Evaluation Reports:
| ITE Course Module Evaluation Report – 2018 ITE MOOC Evaluation Report - 2018 |
Quality Assurance Reports:
| Report on Pedagogical Board activities – 2017 Independent Evaluator Report - 2017 Report on Pedagogical Board activities – 2018 Independent Evaluator Report - 2018 |
Dissemination and Exploitation
| Dissemination and Communications Plan Charter for Associate Partners |
Innovation in Initial Teacher Education. Emerging trends, issues and recommendations
ITE Course Module Evaluation Report 2018
ITE MOOC Evaluation Report 2018
Report from Independent Evaluator 2018
ITELab Case Studies (2018): Preparing student teachers for the future classroom - five case studies of university-school collaboration
Featuring examples from Norway (University of Agder), Ireland (University College Dublin), UK (Newcastle University), Italy (University of Perugia) and Portugal (Polytechnic Institute of Santarém).
The case studies show how university teacher education faculties are responding to the drive for more school-based initial teacher education, to ensure that new teachers are not only theoretically but also practically ready for tomorrow's classrooms. Examples include school and university personnel co-designing study programmes featuring innovative methods and supporting the development of digital pedagogical skills, jointly designing active learning spaces, and - remarkably - student teachers 'taking over' schools.
What emerges from these case studies is a blurring of the boundaries between universities and schools, between university staff and teachers, and between student teachers and in-service teachers, for the benefit of all. Imaginative new learning spaces and joint projects help cement these new relationships and ensure that tomorrow's teachers are well prepared for tomorrow's schools.
ITELab Monitoring Report 2 (2018): The publication of the ITELab monitoring report (2018) shows the increasing focus first, on initial teacher education in education policy and practice, and second, on the importance of developing the student teachers' digital pedagogy skills. The report provides: an update on EC and national strategies regarding the integration of ICT in ITE; main areas of ICT in the curricula of respective ITE providers; and challenges of integration of ICT in training programmes. It covers the period June 2017 to June 2018. Information sources include: on-going literature monitoring by all ITELab partners; and, the results from an information gathering survey sent to partners and associate partners (universities, industry and education ministries).
D3.1 Reccomendations and resources to support innovation within ITE: Digital pedagogical capacity building, the focus of the future ITELab introductory modules, is at the core of the modular framework and modules' design led by Dr Conor Galvin, University College Dublin. The design process is described in section 1 of the paper, with sub-section 1.2 providing details about the module architecture, while sub-sections 1.3 and 1.4 deliver an overview of the work in progress towards ‘'boosting innovation in Higher Education'' – a key objective in this project work-stream.
In section 2, the paper outlines observations on how ITE providers can better exploit CPD resources and gives early recommendations based on the development of the ITELab module architecture and the resourcing of the first Module A which is to be trialed as part of the Spring 2018 beta pilot. The second part considers the ITE curricula and how it can be developed in order to achieve more innovative models of teaching and learning.2.
The paper concludes by giving early recommendations based on first observations of the beta-testing of the ITELab modules and the ongoing development of the project. Recommendations will be developed over the course of the project, reflecting the experience of the full pilot and evaluation in 2019 and discussions in the project's ITE Forum.
D4.2 MOOC Outline: an outline providing a detailed description of the rationale, objectives, structure and content of the MOOC.
D4.1 MOOC Requirements Report: the report outlines the requirements of project partners for training studenet teachers using a MOOC on the pedagogical use of ICT.
The presentation 'Literature review report - Overview of research on the integration of ICT in Initial Teacher Education (ITE)' summarises current background research on which the project's understanding of how training in the pedagogical use of ICT is currently covered within ITE curricula in Europe and evidence of how student teachers are currently trained in using ICT.
As new research on the topic emerges, this section will be updated accordingly.
Please contact us at if you are working in this area or you have suggestions of relevant research we could make available.