Ways to get involved in the ITELab
ITELab fosters innovation and knowledge exchange in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) between universities, companies and policymakers. All are welcome to join ITELab as unfunded Associate Partners.
Why join? Benefit by joining this wide and unique, network of stakeholders from across Europe and beyond, interested in innovation, and joined by a common interest of developing the digital pedagogical competences of tomorrow's teachers.
Follow and contribute to the ITE Forum discussions. The ITE Forum provides an online platform to exchange knowledge and gain insights from the work within the project itself, and with linked partners and projects, relating to schools and the teaching profession, together with universities and future teachers. The ITE Forum will be sustained as a permanent network under the independently funded European Schoolnet Future Classroom Lab initiative.
Follow and participate in the pilots of new innovative approaches for universities in the training of student teachers, including new flexible teaching module frameworks and a student teacher MOOC (all materials are Open Educational Resources). Exchange ideas with other universities, support student teachers as they collaborate with peers from across Europe, and beyond, initiating their Professional Learning Network (PLN).
Student teachers, universities and industry partners sharing views at the ITELab workshop, in European Schoolnet's Future Classroom Lab, June 2018.
Join workshops, to network with colleagues, share experience, be inspired by new ideas and contribute to recommendations to support innovation within ITE in terms of how it addresses technology-enhanced learning, helping to prepare student teachers to enter 21st Century classrooms.
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