Invitation to join ITELab as an Associate Partner
ITELab is happy to invite universities, companies, Ministries of Education and regional education authorities to join the ITELab project as Associate Partners.
Why join? The new ITE University-Industry Forum that will be put in place during the project, will work with a wider group of stakeholders online and in three annual Capacity Development Workshops to establish and sustain this as a permanent network under the independently funded European Schoolnet Future Classroom Lab initiative.
A key benefit for all stakeholders will be the extent to which the project addresses the ‘disconnect' between ITE and continuing professional development for teachers. By working closely with teacher educators, ICT suppliers (both project partners and Associate Partners) and policy-makers will gain a better insight into how they can best support new entrants to the teaching profession.
The new open source course modules developed within this project will benefit all ITE educators across Europe. ITELab will particularly provide higher education institutions with recommendations to support innovation within ITE in terms of how it addresses technology-enhanced learning, including recommendations related to the competences that teacher educators themselves will require to prepare student teachers to enter 21st Century classrooms.
Joining as an Associate Partner will also provide organisations with opportunities to contribute to the development and piloting of course modules for training student teachers on the pedagogical use of ICT both face-to-face and via a MOOC for student teachers.
Are you interested to find out more about the role of Associate Partners and how to join? Download the call here.