ITELab publishes Literature Review Report on the Integration of ICT in Initial Teacher Education
ITELab has produced a Literature Review Report, an overview of research on the integration of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Initial Teacher Education (ITE).
The ‘Literature Review Report - Overview of Research on the Integration of ICT in Initial Teacher Education' summarises background research on the ways training in the pedagogical use of ICT is currently covered within ITE curricula in Europe and evidence of how student teachers are trained in using ICT.
The list includes over 70 studies, identified from research databases and inputs from all project partner. The purpose of the review is to apply research evidence to ITELab activities, and to use it to inform the design thinking and recommendations on innovating ITE curricula/pedagogy and in the development of the ITELab course modules and of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for student teachers.
Are you interested? You can download the Literature Review Report here.