
ITELab partners’ Design Workshop, 29-30 May 2017 - Innovating Initial Teacher Education curricula


ITELab partners' Design Workshop concentrating on digital pedagogy for training student teachers and the creation of a new digital education ITELab Forum between Universities and Industry, was held at the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) in Brussels between 29 and 30 May 2017.

The workshop enabled the interaction and deep discussion, between over 15 professionals with different backgrounds from 6 universities and 4 industry partners from 6 countries, on innovation of Initial Teacher Education (ITE).

The workshop was led by Dr Conor Galvin, Director of University College Dublin's MA Education Programme and Bart Verswijvel, the FCL Pedagogical Adviser of EUN. The participants, were joined by FCL's industry partners on the second day to widen the exchange of views. The session was introduced by Peter Baur, from the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Peter talked about the importance of university and business collaboration to foster innovation and modernisation, and the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 – Knowledge Alliances funding programme that has been put in place to help encourage and support this.

This workshop aimed to:

  • Create an overall design of the project
  • Share ideas on creation of course modules and a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for students
  • Get inspiration on setting up of a student community
  • Design the new digital pedagogy ITELab University- Industry Forum, which will be put in place during the project.


During the two days, industry partners and universities had a chance to discuss the facts and needs regarding ITE in their country and present the current solutions they offer. This meeting has set up a collaboration between the academic and business world, which will continue further thanks to our ITE University-ICT Industry Forum.

Would you like to get involved in the ITELab project and become a part of permanent ITELab Forum? Join us as an Associate Partner! Please read more about this role in the Call for Associate Partners.